Chainflip Development Update–July 23rd 2021

Welcome back, a brief one this week as there's more important things to do than wax lyrical about the things we need to do.
Progress Since Last Update
We're joined in Berlin this week by a couple of our overseas DJs, it's a lot of fun occupying the same part of meatspace as them for a change. Since they're here we all got on a boat yesterday for some "teambuilding" activities. Nobody was thrown overboard; they jumped.
We've also welcomed another fullstack DJ to the mix since the last time we spoke, another case of a long notice period finally being fully served. Said beatmaster will be knocking together a block explorer.
Friendship with Curve v2 ended, Uniswap V3 is our new best friend.
Research is now focused on giving our testnet code the once over before it goes to the Rust auditors in mid August.
State Chain
Work is progressing well one some of the final State Chain items before the Sandstorm release, notably emissions and rotations in the last fortnight. Don't let the word "final" fool you though, we're still a ways off being comfortable with shipping. It'll be done when it's done.
Chainflip Engine
DJ Oxidiser is still playing hot potato with the final few bugs before the testnet is fully functional. Throwing devs at the problem wouldn't really help, so we're just letting him go alone and pitching in when needed with some timely rounds of applause.
Alongside, we're also working on getting our integration test coverage up, and solving some recently-spotted issues in the signing process. Don't want to get Anyswapped.
Staking Web App
The staking app is getting some polish this week as our designer DJ Crayola is visiting for a week. We're giving it the first round of serious QA and getting some feedback in before we can test it out for real in a couple of weeks.
We're also hooking this up to some real (test) data at long last.
Block Explorer
We've started work on putting together a block explorer for Sandstorm, this will hopefully mean it's easier for people who don't have access to a set of Validator logs to track down what's going on in the Chainflip State Chain Brain.
Very minor changes to make on the contracts, we've booked an audit slot in September so that the dentist can check we brush our teeth properly. Very little to do here from this point until we want to make another major version.
Goals for the Next Fortnight
Some quick bullet points about what we hope to achieve by the time the next dev update rolls around.
Development Goals
- [SC] Vaults (rollover)
- [SC] Validator Rotations
- [SC] Transaction request/response abstraction
- [SC] Merge Validator rewards
- [ETH] Upgrade path
- [CFE] JSON logs
- [CFE] Fixing vulnerabilities in keygen/signing process
- [CFE] More integration testing coverage
- [CFE] Hook it all up (rollover, hurry up DJ Oxidiser)
- [APP] Hook up API to internal testnet (remove reliance on test data) (rollover)
General Thoughts
Glad to have more of the team here in BER, it's been a fun and productive week thus far with no signs of slowing down.
Until next time.