Chainflip Development Update — March 4th 2024

Dear readers of the dev update,
None other than the “White House” has recently published a letter asking developers to use memory-safe programming languages. Although we can already tick that box at Chainflip, I’m not really sure if I would prefer a JavaScript rewrite of Bitcoin over the original C++ implementation…
Jokes aside, here’s what we’ve been up to.
We have released version 1.2.0 to mainnet. As I had mentioned in the last dev update, it was a somewhat complex release process. The vast majority of operators must have read my blog post, because they worked with us to make the update go through smoothly.
In the meantime, several projects have added support for chainflip, allowing their users to swap through us and thereby adding more volume to our platform. Among these are “El Dorado”, “ThorWallet”, “THORSwap” and of course “Swappy” (which allows you to swap from our Discord channel). Even more integrations are on their way.
Our latest audit report was finally released and you can find it here.
We’re making further improvements to the way swaps are processed in order to prepare for more and higher volumes. This change will soon be released as version 1.2.1.
Since the last dev update, the news has been out, so I can now tell you that our work on Arbitrum and Solana integration is making progress. We have some more assets in the pipeline, though!
Now that the volume is picking up, we have several integrations under our belt and caps are being raised repeatedly, we are ready to launch the product fully. Expect an announcement on that soon!
Vibe Check
In good office tradition, it was now time for the Germans in the team to cook some dinner. Jan, Nick and I prepared some nice food for our colleagues (though, the vegan Schnitzel did not get everyone’s approval as an authentic German dish).
Simon is finally back in the office and is keeping us all motivated. The team is excited for the upcoming launch and the vibes are excellent.
Until next time,