Chainflip Development Update—October 15th 2021
This is a quick one since I'm sitting in the airport waiting to head toward Lisbon for next week's frothy festivities. Hope to see you there ✌️

This is a quick one since I'm sitting in the airport waiting to head toward Lisbon for next week's frothy festivities. Hope to see you there ✌️
Progress Since Last Update
The alternative approach to p2p comms is in the works, we've had a peek at Polkadot's internals, libp2p, oxenmq, zeromq and some others and are devising a plan of action. Shouldn't be too long until we have some concrete plans as to how to solve this one for the long term.
State Chain
The gargantuan task of deriving and implementing a common "MPC → Broadcast" abstraction on the State Chain is almost merged. It's sitting in the queue awaiting someone hitting the big green button. This will seriously streamline a lot of the future State Chain work by making it a lot easier for us to request signatures and broadcasts from the Validator network.
Chainflip Engine
FROST signing is now merged, we've yet to run it through the mill and give it a proper workout but it looks good. Keygen is still in the works but the first version is up for review already. Hopefully by the end of next week our MPC ceremonies will be ice cold.
We're spending time resolving the issues brought up in the audit, there are a couple which have some knock-on changes elsewhere in the project and we're a long way out from deploying all of the Ethereum contracts, so we have the time to take this one slowly and do it properly.
Just after the last update hit your inboxes we got our first end-to-end test of a Validator Rotation working. This included resolving the auction, performing a keygen ceremony to get a new aggregate key, signing the transaction to update the aggregate key, then finally broadcasting the update to the aggregate key on the Rinkeby testnet. If you can find the transaction hash out there, I will give you a special prize.
Goals for the Next Fortnight
Some quick bullet points about what we hope to achieve by the time the next dev update rolls around.
Development Goals
- [SC] Reserved peers p2p implementation
- [SC] Comprehensive pallet public interface documentation
- [SC] Migration of signing / broadcast to the new architecture
- [CFE] Updated logging approach for CFE
- [CFE] FROST Keygen merged
- [CFE] Allow CFE to run in non-Validator mode (rollover+)
- [WEB] Release top secret web project
General Thoughts
Simon will have a bigger update in the next week with community update #3. Keep your eyes peeled for that one. Gotta sign off to board now, ciao.
Until next time.