Chainflip Playlist Competition

Greetings comrades.
We have had a significant increase in community members the last few weeks, so we thought it high time we welcomed the new members the only way we know how...through the power of a competition not at all related to our project. If you didn’t already know - Chainflip is founded on the principles of good vibes, solid fundamentals, and a deep appreciation for dance music - which is why we ended up in Berlin, with an employee base heavily composed of struggling DJs.
We don't have a team page yet but trust us, this DJ theme has a long way to run and we are leaning into it hard, so apologies in advance if it ain’t your thing. While the dev DJs are busy building, we’re really hoping that by providing the community with some moderately entertaining activities, we can really get the party started before the main event.
The name of this game is “Chainflip Records: Crypto Market Guest Selections 1.0”. The aim of the game is to create a playlist. The playlist should reflect a moment in the crypto markets and how they made you feel in 2021. You will need to give it a title and briefly explain why you chose the songs. We are going to keep the rules and judging criteria broad, however, the playlist should contain at least 3 songs.
The crypto markets have been crazy this year, with some very distinct events and cycles. Whether you use music to amplify the endorphins of a rising NFT floor, calm the nerves of a lurking liquidation price, or ease the pain of being rugged by a twerking tik toker on Binance smart chain, we want to hear it in your playlist.
Submissions are open immediately (Monday 30th August 2021) and will close on Friday 10th September 2021.
To enter:
To submit your entry into the competition:
- Tweet @Chainflip or add the tag #fliprecords (so we don't miss it) with your playlist name, your song list, and a brief description of your playlists theme. If your playlist is too long, you can post a link to your playlist in the tweet. Ideally, for curation purposes, your playlist will be on Spotify, but we won't discriminate.
- Alternatively, you can enter with the same format in the #general channel of Chainflip Community Discord.
All entries on Twitter and Discord will be posted into an announcement only Discord channel named playlist-voting. We will be tracking votes for each playlist with emoji engagement. The Chainflip DJs will review every playlist, tally the votes, put emojis through a proprietary emoji hype algorithm and 10 members will be chosen as winners. If a playlist hit you right in the heart, or if you found it mildly entertaining, come vote in Discord.

Prizes are as follows, in no particular order:
1. Chainflip Tee Shirts - First edition, original, hot off the printing press.
2. Upgrade in rank in Discord - "Guest Selector"
3. Playlist to special feature at the Chainflip Launch Party
Example entry

Twitter Link:


Catch you in Discord,
DJ Hitch
Chainflip Labs