Chainflip Development Update — May 20th 2022

Progress Since Last Update
More goals kicked in the last couple of weeks, including but not limited to:
- Upgraded our Substrate version to pretty much the latest, which includes SCALE-info (basically that means our web developers are extremely happy)
- Recording the fees spent by Validators on the Ethereum network (so that we can make them whole)
- Implemented a brand new withdraw flow for the Staking app
- Started working on the AMM maths
- Merged in generically-typed FROST support, for multiple crypto curves
The summer has come not a moment too soon and with it the pace inside the labs has picked up.
Soundcheck Update
Soundcheck.. ah Soundcheck. The Angel on my left shoulder and at the same time the Devil on my right. I think we’re over the hump though. The imaginatively-named “Soundcheck Two” (I wanted to call it Tinnitus) was launched last week to some fanfare, and we’ve spent the last 9 days getting as many people over the line as possible. Some things you ought to know if you’re a participant:
- Incentives will end at 0900 UTC on 26/05/2022
- Any actions taken after this will not be counted (we have to draw the line somewhere folks, and you’ve had a looooong time)
- If you need help, ask in the Discord #active-soundcheck channel
Those of you in the Discord that have been assisting others work through their tech troubles on Soundcheck Two have a deep debt of gratitude from us all here. It’s an absolute pleasure to see everyone getting over the line, and we appreciate your patience through all of the tech troubles we’ve had.
Paradise Net
The exact details are yet to be confirmed, but some time on or after the 30th of May I plan to push the Paradise-spec testnet live. This will incorporate most of our work since we stopped officially supporting Soundcheck (other than critical fixes) and should be quite the stability improvement. The staking app might be extra buggy that day though, fair warning.
The network will either be pushed as an upgrade to Soundcheck Two (looking less and less likely by the day) or stood up entirely anew. Regardless of which approach we take, we will be required to send everyone some more $tFLIP.
This network will be public, but we don’t guarantee to give anyone any support. That means I won’t be wading through twelve feet of discord notifications to get your Validator to work, unless you ask extremely nicely and the cricket’s going especially badly that day.
Goals for the Next Fortnight
Some quick bullet points detailing the major milestones that we hope to achieve by the time the next dev update rolls around.
Development Goals
- Handle Aura / Grandpa equivocations within our own offences framework
- Get to the bottom of why Keygen has very heavy memory pressure
- Add and configure the FRAME Democracy pallet
General Thoughts
Office warming party tonight. Not really sure what to wear, so I’m going to be cosplaying my Flippy. Highly recommend doing the same if you’re unsure what to wear for your next social gathering. Wedding / Birthday / First Holy Communion, it doesn’t matter, Flippy is all-weather.
Until next time.