COMMUNITY Featured $FLIP Fortnightly Wrap #2 - Summary Gm We've wrapped up another two weeks at Chainflip Labs HQ, and we’re excited to share all the progress we've made. If you want to catch up on the details, you can listen to the full discussion via the link below. Or, for an easy-to-digest
COMMUNITY Learn How To Boost Your Bitcoin Swaps Boosted swaps by Chainflip are a brand new initiative to the industry, and aims to bring our product in line with the speed and flow of centralised exchanges. Swapping to and from native Bitcoin is painstakingly slow, with block times taking upwards to 40 minutes to finalise sometimes! As we
COMMUNITY Manifesto: The Path to $100m Daily Volume on Chainflip Consider this blog post a bit of a strategy update. We’re six months into having a live protocol, and even less with it de-restricted and truly in the wild. We always knew that when we launched the protocol, we would quickly figure out what works and what doesn'
COMMUNITY Liquidity Incentive Program - May Summary GM Flippers, We have reached the end of May, which also means it's time to conclude this month's liquidity results and rewards, and announce the incentive available for June. General Summary In the first month of the program, we did not see substantial increases in liquidity
COMMUNITY Enacting an Emissions Cut for FLIP In this post we announce a change to the FLIP emissions budget to account for months of real data on the economics of the system in the wild. I have spoken with a range of Stakeholders and believe this is the correct decision under the optimistic governance framework of Chainflip.
DEVELOPMENT Introducing: Chainflip Boosted Swaps We’re working on a range of features and improvements on the path to Chainflip achieving $100m in daily volumes - which is our goal for this year. Last week in Dubai, I dropped some white-hot alpha on-stage during a DeFi panel with regards to one of these features. Now
COMMUNITY Chainflip Protocol Liquidity Incentive Program Rollout Back before launch, we announced a program to provide a minimum level of incentives to motivate LPs to set up systems to compete for volume on Chainflip. Unlike most liquidity incentive programs, this was designed to promote competitive quoting from LPs for user swaps, even in low-volume environments. As it
COMMUNITY Community Update 8 - February 2024 Hello again folks! Last time I wrote one of these was back in June 2023 announcing the launch of everything. With the sheer number of announcements and releases over the last few months, I didn’t think it necessary to write another one of these, but Shaun told me to,
COMMUNITY Partnership Announcement: THORWallet to integrate Chainflip for their cross chain swaps We're excited to share the news of a strategic partnership between THORWallet and Chainflip, aimed at integrating Chainflip's backend to enhance the cross-chain swap capabilities within THORWallet. This collaboration is set to provide users with more efficient and competitive swap rates, particularly for major assets like
COMMUNITY El Dorado Elevates Cross-Chain Swaps, Integrating Chainflip for Enhanced Efficiency El Dorado is on the brink of a significant transformation. The planned integration with Chainflip aims to boost its position to the forefront of cross-chain swap efficiency. This strategic partnership is poised to equip El Dorado with advanced transaction routing capabilities for native digital assets, establishing it as a formidable
COMMUNITY Houdini Swap and Chainflip Unite to Optimise Native Bitcoin Swaps We are thrilled to announce a dynamic partnership and integration with Chainflip as one of the first launch partners, heralding a new era in the DEX aggregation space. This collaboration is set to equip Houdini Swap with some of the most competitive transaction routing for native assets on the market.
COMMUNITY Introducing: Chainflip Community Proposals Dear Flippers, As we continue with live testing in the swapping pre-release and enjoy seeing things going very smoothly so far, I’ve had a bit of time and space to set up a basic but important system for involving the community in governance. There is an existing token weighted
COMMUNITY FLIP代币生成事件 主网已经启动。它目前处于空闲状态,创世验证者已经加入,正在等待FLIP的发放。经过多年的开发、数月的谈判和数周的准备,我们现在正飞向代币生成事件。 FLIP TGE将于2023年11月23日UTC 12:00准时举行,距今正好7天。 我们也非常高兴地宣布,Chainflip将在接下来的几天内发布一系列可靠的交易所上线公告。协调所有这些的时间安排是一个挑战,但最终完成了。 市场正在加速发展,对原生跨链交换的需求达到了历史最高水平。尽管我们很想说这个时机是我们4D国际象棋策略的结果,但我们很幸运,我们是在该领域取得一些非常积极的发展之后进入市场的。 回顾代币分配(TGE)如何运作 作为对我们博客文章( )的提醒,所有最终用户将在大致相同的时间获得他们的代币。在2023年11月23日UTC 12:00之前,任何人都不允许发送、交易或分发代币。 此规则的例外是以下各方将在TGE之前预先分配代币以准备TGE: * Coinlist用于社区销售参与者的分发 * Oxe
EN FLIP Token Generation Event The mainnet has been bootstrapped. It’s sitting on idle right now, with the Genesis validators already being onboarded, waiting for the FLIP to drop. Finally, after years of development, months of negotiations, and weeks of preparation, we are now flying towards the Token Genesis Event. The FLIP TGE will
COMMUNITY Chainflip聘请Zellic进行全面的协议审计 我们很高兴宣布,我们已经与Zellic建立了合作伙伴关系,委托他们对我们的协议代码进行彻底的审计。这种合作强调了我们对安全性的关注,将其视为Chainflip协议的基本属性。 我们合作的性质 Zellic专门研究新兴技术的安全,他将对我们的协议进行详尽的审查。选择Zellic作为我们的审计合作伙伴不仅是因为他们在区块链安全方面表现出的熟练和纪律性,还因为有着更重要的原因。 对于像Chainflip这样新颖和开创性的协议来说,Zellic的价值在于他们对攻击性安全的方法,特别是像黑客一样创造性地思考,并想象可能被利用的方式。 通过与Zellic的一支精英黑客和安全审计员团队合作,Chainflip在对抗黑帽子方面走在了前列。 他们在详细审计方面的声誉以及从其他先前审计项目中提供的对其流程的洞察力,使人对他们系统地评估和加强我们的协议的能力充满信心。 审计的范围和目的 我们与Zellic的合作将审查我们协议的核心方面,以确保其遵守该领域所期望的高标准。审计是一项积极的措施,不仅可以识别潜在的弱点,还可以验证协议的运行完整性。 展望未来 我们致力于在整个过程中保持透明
COMMUNITY Chainflip与Staked合作增强质押解决方案 Chainflip很高兴地宣布我们与 Staked 合作,支持Chainflip($FLIP)代币的质押。这一战略性合作旨在加强我们平台的去中心化、非托管框架。 介绍Staked Staked提供非托管的质押基础设施,旨在可靠、安全地提供质押奖励。通过运营一些最安全、高效的权益证明协议区块生产节点,他们赢得了良好的声誉。他们独特的多层架构为机构投资者提供了安全、可扩展和去中心化的组合。 Staked作为创世验证者 将Staked作为Chainflip的创世验证者带来了显著的好处。已经与Staked合作的机构现在可以放心地质押FLIP,利用他们信任的品牌。此合作确保机构能够可靠、安全地参与Chainflip,而无需处理新关系或审核新服务提供商。 安全与质押 安全仍然是Chainflip的基石。有了Staked的支持,我们正在加强对一流安全标准的承诺。这包括全面的惩罚保护和强大的应急措施。如果出现挑战,用户可以顺畅地取消质押他们的资产,确保对他们的数字资产始终有控制权。 展望未来 这一合作旨在简化和保障Chainflip的所有用户,特别是Staked的机构客户的质押
COMMUNITY Chainflip Enlists Zellic for a Comprehensive Protocol Audit We are excited to announce that we have embarked on a partnership with Zellic, tasking them with a thorough audit of our protocol code. This collaboration underscores our focus on security as a fundamental attribute of the Chainflip protocol. The Nature of Our Partnership Zellic, who specialise in securing emerging
COMMUNITY Chainflip Partners with Staked for Enhanced Staking Solutions Chainflip is excited to announce our partnership with Staked to support staking for the Chainflip ($FLIP) token at TGE. This strategic collaboration is set to strengthen the decentralised, non-custodial framework of our platform. Introducing Staked Staked provides non-custodial staking infrastructure designed to deliver staking rewards reliably and securely. They have
COMMUNITY Chainflip 发布季活动冲刺 介绍 欢迎参加Chainflip发布季活动冲刺,这是一个简单明了的倡议,旨在让参与者在Chainflip协议正式发布和代币发行活动(TGE)之前熟悉该协议。除了了解之外,你还有机会赢取价值高达5000美元的FLIP奖励!🚀 Chainflip Launch Season Sprint by Chainflip LabsJoin Chainflip Launch Season Sprint campaigns created by Chainflip Labs on Galxe. **++Introduction++**Join the Chainflip Launch SeGALXE 在本次冲刺结束时,你应该对Chainflip的所有内容以及如何利用它有了扎实的了解。这次冲刺的高潮将直接引领我们进入TGE的门槛,标志着一个重要的过渡时刻。让我们准备好,为发布做好准备,准备向所有人展示Chainflip协议的全部潜力。 冲刺如何运作 冲刺从现在开始,直到主网上线,每周发布一个新的OAT(任务和测试项目)和任务。参与各种任务和使命,旨在从头到尾地引导你了解Chainflip生
COMMUNITY Chainflip Launch Season Sprint Introduction Welcome to the Chainflip Launch Season Sprint, a straightforward initiative to get participants acquainted with the Chainflip protocol before its official launch and Token Generation Event (TGE). Beyond understanding, there’s a chance to earn rewards of up to $5,000 worth of FLIP! 🚀 Chainflip Launch Season Sprint by
COMMUNITY Chainflip验证器如此有吸引力的9个原因 随着主网即将到来,我认为编写我的第一篇列表文章会很有趣。在Chainflip生命周期的最初几周,验证器拍卖将成为焦点。 更广泛的Chainflip社区中许多人可能不了解或不理解什么使得Chainflip的验证者成为协议中不可或缺的一部分。 在我看来,Chainflip的验证器提供了行业内最令人兴奋的节点操作机会之一,因此我想前进并解释一下使得Chainflip的验证者如此吸引人的9个原因。 运营商关注什么因素 在开始之前,让我们快速概述一下质押提供商、机构和个人运营商在寻找为任何区块链项目运行节点的机会时倾向于考虑的三个主要因素: 1. 收益潜力 - 这个也很明显 - 我能从运行这个节点中期待多少收益?回报率是否可预测? 2. 运营开销 - 运行它会花费多少钱?我将不得不做多少维护工作?我需要多紧密地监控我的节点?这里必须考虑到货币和人力资源成本。 3. 项目的持续性 - 如果我获得了必要的抵押品,我是否相信它会在一段时间内保持或增值,即使在不利的市场环境中? 对于是否在项目中运行节点的每一个决定都是对这三个因素的综合效应的评估。归根结底,正是这种成本效益分析决定了
COMMUNITY 9 reasons that make Chainflip Validators so attractive With mainnet almost here, I thought writing my very first listicle would be a bit of fun. In the opening weeks of Chainflip’s life, the Validator auctions will take centre stage. Lots of people in the broader Chainflip community may not know or understand what makes Chainflip Validators such
COMMUNITY 代币销售回顾 注:已对最终数字进行编辑 经过近6周的时间,Chainflip Coinlist销售终于结束了。我们希望那些想要参与其中的人都能如愿以偿,获得他们想要的金额。现在,我们要做的就是交付主网,推出我们的目标:原生跨链交换。 销售简报 我们希望提供更多有关销售结果的信息以及我们收集到的见解。虽然还没有完全结束,但已经接近尾声,所以今天可以公布。在接下来的几个小时内,我们将转换更多的分配。 首先,如果大家还不清楚的话,Chainflip的销售并没有售罄。在为此次销售发行的 450万枚代币中,购买者共认购了378万美元,剩下241万枚代币和第二批剩余的190万枚代币尚未认购。 虽然这比我们之前预计的要少,但仍然是一个不错的成绩,与今年进行的所有其他代币销售都非常一致,而且肯定足以为协议流动性操作提供资金,从而在加密货币交易量最大的区块链上实现原生低滑点互换。 虽然我们在预订销售时持乐观态度,但事实证明,过去几个月的大市场为代币销售提供了多年来最具挑战性的条件,再加上其他复合因素,这无疑阻碍了销售业绩。 我们了解到,由于管辖权限制、KYC问题、错过截止日期以及其他一些技术问题,我们
COMMUNITY Token Sale Recap NOTE: Edited with final numbers Finally, after almost 6 weeks, the Chainflip Coinlist sale is complete. We hope that those who wished to participate were able to do so and got the amount that they wanted. Now it’s all about delivering the mainnet and pushing out what we set
COMMUNITY Perseverance 0.9发布 女士们,先生们, 在代币销售前夕,我们为您带来另一个重要的网络版本。0.9很可能是我们迁移到主网之前的最后一个重要版本。 正如你们所看到的,上周我们的内部网络demo.chainflp.io已经运行了超过10万次交换,我们非常高兴能在我们的全面公共测试网上实现这个目标。 0.9版本的主要变化(还有许多其他改进)是对Chainflip协议中的见证系统进行了彻底的修改。正如我们在Chainflip协议前8个主要版本中所看到的那样,见证系统要么是导致许多问题的原因,要么至少在协议无法正常运行时会受到影响,这已经不止一次地造成了重大积压、速度减慢和共识的全面崩溃。 在过去的大约3个月里,我们让一些最优秀的工程师总结了过去18个月的开发经验,并利用这些经验为系统设计了新的架构,我们相信这将极大地提高网络的整体可靠性,并使系统在异常情况下更容易恢复。它还能让我们在未来更快地升级见证系统,端点冗余和预见证功能将在未来的点版本中推出。 此外,该版本还对LP API进行了大量升级,并升级到 Polkadot 1.0版本,以及其他一些小的修复、改进和功能。 关于发布进程 由于所做更改的广泛